A renowned old brand in town, Asia Jaya has long established its presence as a major supplier of baking and food ingredients. Maxciti approaches its logo with green color as it represents freshness and source of life, in this case: food.
Another visual representation is an overflowing growth and abundance as can be seen in the logo itself. Simplicity and cleanliness dominate the overall look of its stationery allowing the logo and tag line describe themselves.
This time, teaming up with the town's coolest event organizer- I do/ Ms. Lilysan , we came up with an ingenious design and set up for "Howey"pâtisserie pop-up stall in the opening of Podomoro City, Medan.
Austrob is one of our Singapore clients who deals with networking and computing solution hardware. This is also one of our bulk projects as we take on : logo design, website development and business stationery.